Thursday, April 3, 2008

A few good books

Of course the point of this class is to get you away from your books, away from the lecture hall, and into the splendid natural habitats around us. At the same time, a good book is extremely valuable for learning more about the places, plants, and animals you will be visiting. In addition to the book recommended for this class, Elna Baker’s “An Island Called California”, an excellent source of information about the wide variety of natural communities in our state is “A Natural History of California”, by Allan Schoenherr.

There are also nice field guides and natural history guides for specific communities, such as the recently published, “Introduction to California Chaparral” by Ronald Quinn and Sterling Keeley.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This book on California "Communities looks great. I think I buy it. Being a lanscape Architect in California you might think we recpognize all of the native plants and their "cousins" in a community. My wife and I traveled to Julian today and ran into several plants in full bloom that I could not identify, damn! I was perplexed. my personal library doesn't help either. Thanks